Hemispheric Meeting on Regular Pathways for Labor Migration


Sofie Nordström, co-founder of Quizrr, will be speaking on a panel titled "Voices from the Private Sector" at the Hemispheric Meeting on Regular Pathways for Labor Migration in Mexico City

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The Government of Mexico and the International Organization for Migration, IOM – UN Migration, invite governments and the private sector from across the Americas to explore opportunities to expand and diversify regular pathways for labor migration within the hemisphere.

With over 281 million people on the move, migration remains a cornerstone of development, prosperity, and progress worldwide. Recognized in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, the power of migration as an enabler of sustainable development is clear. However, current global challenges such as instability, climate change, and economic inequality have stalled progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals and led to unprecedented levels of forced migration and displacement. These issues, compounded by exploitation and violence, particularly affect migrants who undertake dangerous journeys due to a lack of accessible and safe alternatives.

Regular migration pathways are crucial to delivering on the promise of migration to address global challenges. Given the scale of irregular migration in the Americas, expanding and diversifying regular pathways for safe and orderly migration while addressing the structural drivers of irregular migration is more important than ever. The Hemispheric Meeting on Regular Pathways for Labor Migration will offer a space to exchange best practices, analyze labor market trends, and engage in multi-stakeholder discussions aimed at harnessing the potential of migration for sustainable development in the region.

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